Thursday 10 May 2012


HELLO! and Welcome me!

Even though this isn't my first time posting to the internet in a wave of entries via journals, threads and/or posts of the sorts. This is my first 'blogger'.


So a few of my friends (2) have begun starting using blogger, to show support and to see what this is all about I thought I'd join in this past time to community with anyone who happens to read this.

If you you want more info on me and what I do on the internet; you can find me @

As this is titled my Cranium I will be covering things that interested 3 organs connected to the head; Eyes, Ears and Mouth.

And things that cracked my cranium too; such as puzzles and games.


First off; pretty pictures and what not. Here's something I found on deviantART: 

Isn't it just lovely. A is always interesting and if done right just simply beautiful. This is PS3-tan from Mikeinel's Console Wars Project, even though it's currently 'inactive'. It is a brilliant collection of anthropomorphism version of electronic hardware and software.

To further this he even created sprite version of Kinect-tan:

The 3 stages are clearly defined by the amount of pixelation. Hopefully we'll get to see some sort of 8-bit image, animation or game featuring these awesome pieces.

Ear Porn

I love chiptune and 8-bit sounds; even though the only "8-bit" game I played growing up was Pokemon, this genre of beeps and boops are the most upbeat and active tunes I've ever heard.

I introduce 'I Fight Dragons'; these guys combine eletropop and chiptune to make some amazing rhythms. Some of their songs even incorporate Nintendo games, one in particular "Rickroll + Mario": mixing up their performance of 'Never Gonna Give You Up' with Super Mario's tunes cut in.

Any Nintendo or Chiptune fan needs to give these guys an ear.

Om Noms

I'm quite up tight about my food; so this subject may get skipped ever now and then. So today I'll just cover what I ate, I don't plan on eating anything exotic unless I become the daredevil.

However, I share with you some crazy combination I discovered during this year's pancake day; Bacon wrapped in Pancakes.

Just as tasty as it is greasy, naturally not healthy. I've seen some cases where the bacon is cooked into the pancakes, I'll have to try and attempt that at a later date.

Of course, if pancakes is too much of a hassle. Just have you're juicy bacon with some simple eggs; which is exactly what I ate today. I could do with some more right now.

Button bashing

As a Games Programming Student, I figure out the mechanics and the functionality of a game. As such, playing games helps further this skill, me sitting there utilising my reverse engineering skills taking apart all the separate features of the game.

At the moment my favourite game is Minecraft; a voxel sandbox game, where you destroy, craft and build with blocks. But not just blocks, various items; tools, weapons, foods and paintings.

Currently the game is heading for 1.3 release; and jebs recently did a snapshot allowing Cocoa Beans to be accessible via a plant growing from Jungle Trees.

This is the first of it's kind in the game; a block which grows off trees. Even though this is a small addition, this could introduce various other plants or even mobs which grow and hatch from blocks.

Even if you don't plan on dishing out the $20 to buy the full game, Minecraft Classic is free as long as you have an account.

The End

Well, this has been fun. I'll probably do another some other time. Till then, laters.

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